Safety equipment and essential health protective items are now selling like hotcakes as the Covid-19 pandemic increased by manifold the demand for such products. Besides, panic-buying of such items -- hand sanitizer, pulse oximeter, oxygen cylinder, blood sugar machine, disinfecting liquid such as Dettol and Savlon,...
The government will continue to float tenders to import liquefied natural gas (LNG) from spot market despite non-submission of 'suitable' offers from bidders over the past several months. "We'll continue our effort to seek better LNG prices from international spot market," said a senior...
বরেন্দ্রভূমি হিসেবে খ্যাত ও ধান-আলুর উত্পাদনের জন্য জয়পুরহাটের কালাই উপজেলার পরিচিতি প্রাচীনকাল থেকেই। তবে নতুন করে তাইওয়ানের গোল্ডেন ক্রাউন জাতের হলুদ রংয়ের তরমুজ চাষে ব্যাপক সফলতা পেয়েছেন উপজেলার বহুতিদর্গাপাড়ার বর্গা চাষি এনামুল হক। তিনি ৩৩ শতক জমি বর্গা নিয়ে বাণিজ্যিকভাবে শুরু করেন বিদেশি জাতের এই তরমুজ চাষ।...
The 4th Bangladesh-Japan Joint PPP platform meeting was held at the Prime Minister’s Office on Wednesday highlighting important projects presented by the Japanese side. Public Private Partnership Authority (PPPA) and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) of Japan jointly organised the...
Commerce Minister Tipu Munshi is hopeful that the European Union will continue its trade benefit for Bangladesh for 12 years after the country's graduation from the grouping of the least-developed countries (LDCs). Bangladesh is set to leave the LDC group to become a developing...
If an e-commerce company fails to deliver in time a product that has been paid in advance during order placement, it will have to pay double the product price in penalty. The buyer will be able to recover the fine by filing a case...
করোনা সংক্রমণ রোধে চলমান কঠোর বিধিনিষেধ শেষ হবে ৫ আগস্ট। এরপর বিধিনিষেধ তুলে দিয়ে সব দোকান, ব্যবসাপ্রতিষ্ঠান ও বিপণিবিতান খুলে দেওয়ার দাবি করেছে বাংলাদেশ দোকান মালিক সমিতি। আজ রোববার রাজধানীর নিউমার্কেটে দোকান মালিক সমিতির কার্যালয়ে এ দাবি করে দোকান মালিক সমিতি। দোকান মালিক সমিতির...
China's immense manufacturing power has drawn a series of environmental and wage concerns around the globe. Its increasingly hawkish geopolitical posture has attracted countless critics and has been perceived as a threat worldwide. It has also sparred with the United States in the form of a trade...
Foreign Minister Dr AK Abdul Momen has urged Bangladesh's envoys in Europe to explore new markets for Bangladeshi products, including RMG as well as the country's human resources during and after the Covid-19 pandemic. He made the call during a virtual meeting attended by Bangladesh envoys from...
Bangladesh businesses will have to ensure the protection of basic human rights and the environment in production to keep trading with Germany, as the biggest economy in Europe is going to adopt a new due diligence law from 2023, said experts. The remarks came from various...