“Showcase Bangladesh 2021: China-Bangladesh Investment Summit, a virtual platform jointly organized by Standard Chartered and Bangladesh Investment Development Authority (BIDA), was held recently. The virtual event showcased the partnership potential between Bangladesh and China and highlight the emerging strategic opportunities in a shifting global...
Bangladesh businesses will have to ensure the protection of basic human rights and the environment in production to keep trading with Germany, as the biggest economy in Europe is going to adopt a new due diligence law from 2023, said experts. The remarks came from various...
Businesspeople in Bangladesh will face massive difficulties across the globe if they lose priority trade facilities after the transition from the status of the least developed countries (LDCs) in 2026. The country's decision to join the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) is very positive...
In a first for Bangladesh, the country has extended a lifeline of sorts to the beleaguered Sri Lankan economy, offering to top up the island nation's depleting foreign reserves by as much as $500 million. The global coronavirus pandemic has deprived Sri Lanka, which...
Business Initiative Leading Development (BUILD) Chairperson Abul Kasem Khan called on Executive Chairman of Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority (BEZA) Paban Chowdhury at his office on Tuesday and discussed issues related to private sector-friendly policies and joint research for further success at BEZA. Mentioning the...
কৃষিপণ্যের ন্যায্যমূল্য নিশ্চিতে দেশের ৬৪ জেলায় কৃষকের বাজার স্থাপন করতে যাচ্ছে সরকার। এসব বাজারে কৃষক সরাসরি এসে তার নিরাপদ কৃষিপণ্য বিক্রি করতে পারবেন। সেজন্য কৃষককে দিতে হবে না কোনো ধরনের টোল। প্রয়োজনে কৃষকের বাড়ি থেকে পণ্য এসব বাজারে নিয়ে আসতে পরিবহন সহায়তা দেবে সরকার। কৃষি মন্ত্রণালয় ও...
The changeover of state power in Afghanistan may not affect business with Bangladesh as the bilateral trade volume is not that significant, said local businesspeople yesterday. They said they were not too worried about the trade. The Taliban seized power in...
Gold prices in the country's market have declined by Tk 1,516 following a deviation in the international market. The decision of the price reduction would be effective from Sunday, Bangladesh Jewelers Samity (BAJUS) said in a press release on Saturday. BAJUS...
China's immense manufacturing power has drawn a series of environmental and wage concerns around the globe. Its increasingly hawkish geopolitical posture has attracted countless critics and has been perceived as a threat worldwide. It has also sparred with the United States in the form of a trade...
Bangladesh has suffered a loss worth Tk 3.18 billion in the last nine months, due to the suspension of shipment of edible aquatic animals to the key market China. The export of aquatic animals, including live crab and eel fish, to China has remained...