Some 125 publicly-traded companies in the manufacturing and service sectors have expressed fears of heavy losses due to the ongoing coronavirus outbreak. Among them, 116 companies are in the manufacturing sector, such as RMG, cement, ceramics, engineering, and tannery sector. The other nine are in the real estate and service sector. These companies are...
The government has so far announced a set of stimulus packages worth around $11.90 billion (Taka 1.011 trillion to offset the COVID-19 shock on various sectors of the country and minimise the sufferings of the people hit hard by the nationwide shutdown enforced to fend off the...
Bangladesh’s export earnings in April declined by 82.85 per cent year-on-year as the demand for goods shrank on the global market and the production remained suspended in the country in the month due to the global coronavirus outbreak. The country’s single month export earnings in April this...
The government is trying to raise export income from leather and leather goods to $5 billion by 2021 with providing necessary policy support, Industries Minister Nurul Majid Mahmud Humayun said on Monday.“The global market of leather and leather goods in worth $220 billion where Bangladesh’s share is...
Leather goods and footwear exporters have faced export order cancellation of $200 million, while the crushed leather exporters have seen another $53 million cancellation Exporters involved in crushed leather and leather goods business have suffered financial losses worth above $250 million as the trade with major global economies...
ZimTrade, Zimbabwe’s export promotion body, has urged Zimbabwean tanners to upgrade their tanning processes in order to improve the quality of the finished leather they are supplying to the industry. In the organisation’s latest report, it said the sector — which once employed as many as 5,600...
Organizers of the 5th Colour & Chem Expo in Lahore recently urged the Pakistani Government to allow zero tax for raw materials of dyes and leather used in the country’s textile sector to stop slowing exports. The appeal came on the concluding day of the event in...
A meeting of the East African Community’s (EAC) Leather Forum has taken place in Arusha, Tanzania, during which there were calls for the bloc to create a more easily accessible market for leather products. The forum was convened by the East African Business Council (EABC). It brought...
The US Hide, Skin and Leather Association (USHSLA) and Leather Industries of America (LIA) have joined forces to urge the Trump administration not to move forward with proposed tariffs on imported handbags from the European Union. In April the US government included leather handbags on a list...
Bangladesh expects a bigger inflow of foreign direct investment in the days to come as different nations plan to relocate their factories to countries like Bangladesh to bring down cost amid a cash crunch caused by the pandemic, said Commerce Minister Tipu Munshi yesterday. In 2019, the...