The revenue officials have strongly opposed the recent proposal of the deputy commissioners (DCs) under administration cadre to involve them in the government's tax revenue collection process. Both BCS taxation and customs and VAT associations, in a statement on Thursday, expressed their deep concern and also sought...
Amid growing popularity, online shopping is getting costlier soon for the proposed value added tax (VAT) imposed on it in the budget for fiscal 2019-20. Customers will have to pay 7.5 percent value added tax for online shopping and purchasing goods from online shops, says the...
অর্থমন্ত্রীর প্রস্তাবিত বাজেটে দেশের মুদ্রণ, প্রকাশনা ও প্যাকেজিং শিল্পের কাঁচামাল আমদানির ওপর ২৫ শতাংশ থেকে কমিয়ে ৫ শতাংশ শুল্ক আরোপের দাবি জানিয়েছে এ খাতের ৬ ব্যবসায়ী সংগঠন। গতকাল শনিবার রাজধানীর পল্টন টাওয়ারে ইকোনমিক রিপোর্টার্স ফোরাম (ইআরএফ) কার্যালয়ে আয়োজিত যৌথ সংবাদ সম্মেলনে এ দাবি...
State Minister for Industries Kamal Ahmed Majumder today said that steps would be taken to keep same the value added tax (VAT) system at the import and production levels of the products of light engineering industries. Like the readymade garment (RMG) sector, providing all kinds of necessary...
Facebook is likely to appoint a VAT agent to ensure payment of value-added tax from their advertisement earnings from Bangladesh market. “We have talked to the government. The company will abide by all the existing laws of the country, Faceboo’s Public Policy Director in India and South...
Although the business establishments make VAT payments every month alongside submitting their returns, the business entities would now be able to make VAT payments to the government exchequer directly from their bank accounts through online. The National Board of Revenue (NBR) is going to launch VAT e-payment...
The VAT Intelligence Directorate of National Board of Revenue (NBR) has lodged a case against a local sales partner of Facebook for noncompliance with the VAT (value-added tax) Law. The company was charged for not paying VAT for three consecutive months, and for violating the VAT law....
রাজধানীর বনানীর কামাল আতাতুর্ক রোডে অবস্থিত টেপটেলস রেস্টুরেন্ট এ বছর জানুয়ারি মাসে ব্যবসা শুরু করলেও জুন পর্যন্ত তাদের ভ্যাট নিবন্ধন ছিল না। অথচ নিবন্ধন ছাড়াই এত দিন তারা ক্রেতাদের কাছ থেকে ১৫ শতাংশ হারে ভ্যাট আদায় করে আসছিল। মঙ্গলবার ভ্যাট গোয়েন্দা অধিদপ্তর টেপটেলস রেস্টুরেন্টে...
Businesses are facing difficulties to submit their VAT returns online following repeated complexities and cumbersome procedures. A number of large businesses have already lodged complaints with the VAT authority, as they failed to submit their returns online. However, the National Board of Revenue (NBR) is charging Tk...
The National Board of Revenue has decided to provide manual business identification number (BIN) to global technology giants, including Google, Facebook and Youtube, as its online system is yet to be ready to issue e-BIN to foreign entities without any office in Bangladesh. The decision came after...