Master plan submitted to the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) in South Africa aims to revive the country’s ailing apparel and textile industry, which had shed between 140,000 to 160,000 jobs in recent years. Job losses, however, have stabilised over the last decade. The plan aims...
More than 40 international brands from India, Turkey, Greece, Taiwan, Italy, Poland, Germany, Korea, Japan, China and US among others exhibited at the recent Screen Print Uzbek. Themed 'New Business Horizons', the exhibition focused on screen printing, textile printing, digital printing, sublimation printing, textiles and apparel machinery....
Uzbekistan plans to raise textile export volume to $2 billion this year, according to Uzbek Textile Industry Association chairman Ilhom Haydarov. The government is planning to reprocess all cotton yarn produced in the country domestically by 2025 and hike export of textile items to $7 billion, he...
Vietnamese textile and garment exports to Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) markets have failed to match the country's stature as the world’s second largest apparel exporter, general director of the Vietnam National Textile and Garment Group (Vinatex) recently told a Montreal workshop attended by representatives of 35 Canadian enterprises....
Several Pakistani value-added textile firms recently rejected the government decision to discontinue zero-rated status of five export-oriented sectors, cautioning that the move will lead to flight of capital and high unemployment and affect the manufacturers. It will also lead to corruption through flying invoices, over-invoicing and refund...
The Central African country of Cameroon has banned the use of five chemicals in textile manufacturing in the country. The banned chemicals are azo dyes, formaldehyde, alkyl phenol, phthalates, and heavy metals that have a negative impact on both the environment and consumer health, Cameroonian ministry of...
A three-day apparel sourcing exhibition ‘Apparel Textile Sourcing Canada (ATSC)’ will begin at the International Centre in Toronto of Canada on August 19. “Like many other countries, Bangladeshi business entities will take part in the tradeshow for promoting Bangladeshi products in the Canadian market,” Export Promotion Bureau...
Some 125 publicly-traded companies in the manufacturing and service sectors have expressed fears of heavy losses due to the ongoing coronavirus outbreak. Among them, 116 companies are in the manufacturing sector, such as RMG, cement, ceramics, engineering, and tannery sector. The other nine are in the real estate and service sector. These companies are...
করোনা প্রাদুর্ভাবের নেতিবাচক প্রভাব পড়তে শুরু করেছে বাংলাদেশের অর্থনীতিতে। এরই মধ্যে দেশের অন্তত ১৪টি খাতে সমস্যা তৈরি হয়েছে। ট্যারিফ কমিশনের প্রাথমিক হিসাব বলছে, আমদানি-রফতানি সংকুচিত হওয়ায় কয়েকটি খাতে অন্তত ৬০০০ কোটি টাকার ক্ষতির আশঙ্কা রয়েছে। বিশেষ করে কাঁচামালের অভাবে দেশের বিভিন্ন শিল্প-কারখানার উৎপাদন সংকুচিত হওয়ার পাশাপাশি অনেক...
The government has so far announced a set of stimulus packages worth around $11.90 billion (Taka 1.011 trillion to offset the COVID-19 shock on various sectors of the country and minimise the sufferings of the people hit hard by the nationwide shutdown enforced to fend off the...