ZimTrade, Zimbabwe’s export promotion body, has urged Zimbabwean tanners to upgrade their tanning processes in order to improve the quality of the finished leather they are supplying to the industry. In the organisation’s latest report, it said the sector — which once employed as many as 5,600...
Italian leathergoods association Assopellettieri (formerly known as Aimpes) has selected Franco Gabbrielli as its new president. He will serve a four-year term from 2019 to 2022.  His appointment will be confirmed at Assopellettieri’s general assembly at the end of June. He replaces Riccardo Braccialini, who during his...
Leather manufacturing group ISA TanTec has announced that preparatory work at the site for its second tannery in Vietnam is complete and that construction of the new facility can now begin. ISA Tan Tec confirmed that it expects the production project to be complete before the end...
The US Hide, Skin and Leather Association (USHSLA) has said the escalation of the trade tensions between the US and China will mean increased tariffs on some exports of raw material from the US to tanners in China. However, it said on May 14 that most US...