The initiative co-hosted by the Prime Minister’s Office, IFC and JICA aims to generate investment leads from Japan Around 200 Japanese companies have joined a webinar organized by Bangladesh to attract Japanese investments. The ‘Dialogue to Drive Japanese Investments in Bangladesh’...
জাপানের সনি করপোরেশনকে কে না চেনে। ক্যামেরা, টেলিভিশন, মুঠোফোনসহ বহু ধরনের ইলেকট্রনিক যন্ত্র ও যন্ত্রাংশ তৈরি করে সনি বিশ্বজুড়ে ঘরে ঘরে জায়গা করে নিয়েছে। সনি এখন তাদের ক্যামেরা, প্রজেক্টর ও ভিডিও গেম খেলার প্লে স্টেশন তৈরির কারখানা চীন থেকে সরিয়ে অন্য কোনো দেশে নিতে...
There has been recent promising news about 3 COVID-19 vaccine candidates, prompting thoughts to shift to distribution and delivery.Mathematical models predict that the pandemic will kill more people, if wealthy countries buy all of the vaccines first, than if vaccines were distributed equally.Canada, Japan, the UK, and...
Japan's famously hard-working salarymen — and, increasingly, salarywomen — are to be encouraged to reduce the amount of time they spend in the office environment as part of the government's initiative to improve the nation's work-life balance. The recently unveiled annual economic policy guidelines...
Bangladesh and Japan have signed the largest-ever loan deal, amounting to $3.2 billion to help Bangladesh become a middle-income country and defeat the novel coronavirus pandemic. Japanese Ambassador to Bangladesh Ito Naoki and ERD Secretary Fatima Yasmin signed 'exchange of notes" of the 41st Official Development Assistance...
Japan will provide 329 million US dollars (equivalent to 35 billion yen) to Bangladesh as grant to help the country combat coronavirus. "Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe made this announcement when he talked to his Bangladesh counterpart Sheikh Hasina over phone this afternoon," PM's Press Secretary Ihsanul...
The trains for Bangladesh's first metro rail are ready in Japan and may arrive here shortly. The authorities are, in fact, hopeful of bringing the trains next month – if the Covid-19 situation improves by then. Meanwhile, the Uttara-Agargaon part of...
The laboured process for settlement of letters of credit is one of the bottlenecks of Bangladesh’s investment climate, said a delegation from Japan on Thursday. “Bangladesh has the most complicated LC opening conditions -- there are terms and conditions unique only to this country,”...
Bangladesh and Japan on Wednesday decided to form a Joint Working Group (JWG) on facilitating trade and business between the two countries.  The decision came at a meeting between commerce minister Tipu Munshi and Japanese Ambassador to Bangladesh Ito Naoki at Bangladesh Secretariat, according to a statement....
Bangladesh may grab the opportunity maintaining the business competiveness as some Japanese firms are intending to relocate their business and searching new destinations for supply chain adjustments, said the Japanese ambassador in Dhaka. Mr Ito Naoki made the remarks recently during his visit at BEPZA (Bangladesh Export...