Local electronic giant Walton has manufactured Medicart robot and remote control UV-C light disinfectant system. This robot can be used to treat coronavirus patients or patients with other infectious diseases in isolation. Physicians can operate this robot via computer, mobile phone or remote while sitting in his...
Cars of  globally renowned Hyundai will be manufactured in Bangladesh. Fair Technology Ltd, local distributor of Hyundai Motor Company, will set up a designated factory at a high-tech park in the country.  Fair Technology Ltd and Bangladesh High-Tech Park Authority have signed an agreement in...
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Thursday asked the Bangladesh Export Zone Authority (BEZA) to promote small entrepreneurs, particularly the young generation, alongside attracting foreign investment. "It (BEZA) will have to work in a way so that foreign investment comes on one hand and local people can invest...
Academics, senior journalists and diplomats said employment generation for the youth during the post-Covid-19 period is a big challenge for Bangladesh. The country has to prepare its youths to face the challenge considering the importance of the issue, they added. They came up with their views in...
The novel coronavirus outbreak has been pervasive, intense and detrimental to the economic wellbeing of Bangladesh. Though the country had been experiencing significant economic growth in recent years through its vibrant economic activities, the optimism with which a bright future for Bangladesh was envisioned is waning in...
Bangladesh has joined the hydrogen energy race by setting up of a research centre and a pilot processing plant. The project is part of the government’s larger effort to diversify the country’s energy mix, which is still largely dependent on gas and coal. Hydrogen...
Seeing the rising anti-China sentiment in India, the US and much of the world, local electronics giant Walton has now set its sight on attracting buyers who are shifting away from China for procuring electronics and home appliance goods, said its top executive recently. “But for that,...
Bangladesh expects a bigger inflow of foreign direct investment in the days to come as different nations plan to relocate their factories to countries like Bangladesh to bring down cost amid a cash crunch caused by the pandemic, said Commerce Minister Tipu Munshi yesterday. In 2019, the...
The government has projected a marginal improvement in the tax to gross domestic product (GDP) ratio in fiscal 2022-23 despite the pandemic taking a toll on the country's revenue collections this financial year. The tax-to-GDP ratio is a ratio of a nation's tax...
The government received a record 1.98 billion US dollar in loans from donor countries and agencies in June amid the coronavirus (COvid-19) pandemic. The previous highest total foreign loans in a month for Bangladesh was $1.43 billion in June 2018, reports bdnews24.com. In the fiscal year that...