Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina today said Bangladesh is now a model country in the world in disaster management as it has been able to ease disaster risks remarkably. "Today, Bangladesh is appreciated for effective disaster management for the initiatives we've taken following the footsteps...
Startup growth can be challenging at the best of times—in 2020, the odds against building a new organization are huge. Here are three of the best outreach practices new startups can adopt in 2020 to grow their business. Landing Pages to...
Japan has emerged as Bangladesh's largest lender in terms of aid disbursement this fiscal year, overtaking the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank. The country's biggest bilateral donor disbursed US$714.44 million worth aid in July-November period of the fiscal year 2020-21, almost double...
With the growth of the country's pharmaceutical industry, it comes as no surprise that infusion saline is now manufactured locally as well. Since the inception of the industry, there has always been a scarcity of intravenous fluid in the market due to high demand but scarce supply...
The first shipment of Oxford-AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine is likely to reach Bangladesh between January 21 and 25. Officials of the Directorate General of Health Services said this at a press briefing this afternoon. DGHS will get the vaccines from Beximco Pharmaceuticals...
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) said on Tuesday that it had allocated 20.3 million US dollars in technical assistance to help its developing members access vaccines for coronavirus (Covid-19) and establish systems to enable equitable and efficient vaccine distribution. The Manila-based bank said the funds will be...
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has approved a loan package of $940 million for the government of Bangladesh to purchase safe and effective vaccines against the coronavirus disease.  The package, which comprises a regular loan and a concessional loan of $470 million each,...
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Thursday asked the Bangladesh Export Zone Authority (BEZA) to promote small entrepreneurs, particularly the young generation, alongside attracting foreign investment. "It (BEZA) will have to work in a way so that foreign investment comes on one hand and local people can invest...
The country's plastic and packaging industry is projected to grow at a rate of 15 per cent annually, and generate fresh employment for around 0.5 million people by 2026, sources said. It has also targeted to become 'zero waste nation' for plastic and packaging consumption by 2030....
On the 26th of March this year, Bangladesh will complete its 50th year of independence.  And if some of us are lucky, we might even have the fortune to see Bangladesh at 100. But, how will that future exactly look like?