Your work and your ‘why’

Existential question What is your Why appearing behind torn blue paper. Purpose of life concept.

As human beings, we are fundamentally makers of meaning. We can derive that meaning from many pursuits and dimensions of our lives. In our families, communities, the world and through our work. The choice to work in the health or social sectors is often associated with a passionate personal drive – a sense of vocation or calling. I like to call this ‘purpose-driven work’. 

When we engage in work that is intrinsically linked to our core purpose, it can bring great fulfilment and meaning to our lives. A sense that we are contributing to something greater than us.

I have seen first-hand how a clear and passionately held purpose can engage, inspire and motivate passionate action. I have also seen tension and conflict emerge where an organisation’s ‘purpose’ is unclear or changes over time and where there are different motivations within a team. This is deep – it’s personal, its emotional and linked to our core beliefs. 

This week’s wholehearted challenge is to get clear on your ‘why’

Consider this quote from Simon Sinek reflecting a working life lived in alignment with our purpose or, as he terms it, our ‘why’: “We imagine a world in which the vast majority of people wake up every day inspired, feel safe wherever they are and end the day fulfilled by the work they do.”1

Consider the following questions:

  • Why do you get out of bed to go to work each day? 
  • What impact do you hope to make?
  • What is the purpose that your organisation was founded to fulfill?
  • Is that purpose still alive and well today?
  • Is there a match or a mismatch between your ‘why’ and that of your organisation?
  • Does this affect your resilience and wellbeing at work?
  • What action could you take to increase your connection with your ‘why’?

Take care, stay safe and go well

Hi, I’m Alison!

I’m a mum, author, speaker, facilitator, mentor and coach. I’m passionate about making a difference through my work and in my life. My work draws on my health and social sector experience and my lived experience of burnout and what I learnt on my path to recovery. I teach, guide and support people in the health and social sectors to chart a more fulfilling and sustainable path in work and life. A path to Resilience AND Impact, not OR.


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