Bangladesh has urged Mali, Namibia, Cyprus, Belarus, Portugal and Iceland to invest in Bangladesh. Foreign Minister Dr AK Abdul Momen informed the envoys of these countries about the positive atmosphere for investment in Bangladesh with high prospects of return. He particularly mentioned that sector like agro-based industries...
As Kenya works to embrace genetically-modified (GM) crops, agriculture experts and lobby groups are urging the government to explore and adopt alternative food production systems and organic farming instead. The country is expected to take a decision in the next few months on whether to lift a...
Saurer is set to empower its customers with new innovative solutions at ITMA 2019 expo, in hall 6, stand B201. The leading textile and garment technology exhibition will be held from June 20-26, 2019, in Barcelona, Spain. Saurer is a leading globally operating technology group focusing on...
বিশ্বের অনেক দেশের মত বাংলাদেশেও শিশুশ্রমে জড়িত রয়েছে ১২ লাখ ৮০ হাজার শিশু। এরা ১১টি ঝুঁকিপূর্ণ সেক্টরে কাজ করছে। এদের মাথাপিছু প্রতিদিন আয় ৩ থেকে ৫ শ’ টাকা। ২০০৩ সালে শিশুশ্রমে নিয়োজিত ছিলো ৩৪ লাখ শিশু। ২০১৩ সালে তা কমে ১৭ লাখে দাঁড়ালেও গত ৫ বছরে শিশুশ্রম...
The next edition of Yarn Expo Autumn 2019 will be organised during September 25-27 in Shanghai, building on the success of the Yarn Expo Spring 2019 which reported positive feedback from exhibitors about the quality of trade buyers, while buyers expressed satisfaction about the diverse variety of...