পতনের বৃত্তে আটকে রয়েছে দেশের শেয়ারবাজার। সপ্তাহের দ্বিতীয় কার্যদিবস সোমবার (১৫ জুন) দেশের প্রধান শেয়ারবাজার ঢাকা স্টক এক্সচেঞ্জে (ডিএসই) মাত্র ৭টি প্রতিষ্ঠানের শেয়ারের দাম বেড়েছে। নাম মাত্র এ কয়েকটি প্রতিষ্ঠানের দাম বাড়ায় পতন হয়েছে মূল্য সূচকের। এর মাধ্যমে চলতি সপ্তাহের দুই কার্যদিবসেই মূল্য সূচকের দরপতন হলো। সূচকের...
In a bid to cushion the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, the budget for FY2020-21 proposes Tk95,000 crore in farm subsidies, up from Tk9,001 crore in the outgoing fiscal. In his budget speech, Finance Minister AHM Mustafa Kamal proposed an allocation of Tk15,441 crore for the agriculture...
Foreign Minister Dr AK Abdul Momen has urged the Australian companies to invest in Bangladesh taking the advantage of "attractive and investment-friendly" environment in the country. "Making investment in Bangladesh is much more profitable than any other country in the region," the Foreign Minister was quoted as...
“It was a lot of emotions,” she said. “It was like going back to when I first started and everyone said I was crazy to give up my job to be an entrepreneur. I was like, this is what my granddaddy was talking about.” But then, she had...
The Financial Reporting Council has signed contracts with three global accounting and auditing standard setting organisations to ensure high quality financial reporting and auditing with integrity, transparency and trustworthiness, said the FRC in a statement on Monday. The three organisations are IFRS Foundation, International Foundation of Accountants...
Renewable power generation increasingly costs less than the cheapest fossil fuel-based power generation options, according to a new report published by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). Investment in renewable energy sector is also becoming highly attractive as countries across the world target economic recovery from COVID-19...
Authorities of Pabna Sugar Mill is facing difficulties to clear the arrear salaries of its employees and workers as sugar worth Tk 40 crore  remained unsold. Sugarcane growers owe Tk 25 crore while mill workers and employees Tk 6 crore.  During this pandemic period, the sugarcane farmers,...
The Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD) has said the proposed budget doesn't reflect the reality of the time. "It (budget) was a business as usual," said the CPD in its instant reaction on the proposed budget for fiscal 2020-21 in a virtual meeting soon...
Bangladesh Institute of Bank Management (BIBM) yesterday proposed plans to recover the country's banking sector in post Covid-19 on a virtual workshop on Saturday. BIBM director general Md. Akhtaruzzaman chaired the workshop. In a paper titled ‘Economic, Monetary and Financial Sector Implications of Covid-19: Preparedness of Banks in...
As Kenya works to embrace genetically-modified (GM) crops, agriculture experts and lobby groups are urging the government to explore and adopt alternative food production systems and organic farming instead. The country is expected to take a decision in the next few months on whether to lift a...