The fundamentals of the Bangladesh economy still remains sound even though it has been badly affected by Covid-19, British high commissioner in Dhaka Robert Chatterton said on Monday. In a virtual event he said that foreign direct investment (FDI), including from Britain, would be very important for...
Britain and Australia will formally open talks on a post-Brexit free-trade agreement Wednesday, Canberra's top trade official said, voicing hope a deal could be reached this year, reports AFP. "Later today, Australia and the United Kingdom will formally commence free-trade negotiations," Trade Minister Simon Birmingham said, in...
Centrica, the owner of British Gas, is to cut 5,000 jobs this year to "arrest the decline" of the company. The company has been losing customers to rivals and, in February, blamed a big loss in 2019 on the energy price cap and falling gas prices. Centrica also said the coronavirus crisis had...
The United Kingdom (UK), beyond the current crisis over COVID-19  pandemic, sees huge potential in the Bangladesh-UK trade and economic relationships, especially in the high end goods services in which the UK excels. "We'll continue to work together on a host of issues after...
British aero-engine maker Rolls-Royce Holdings is considering cutting up to 15% of its workforce, a source close to the company told Reuters, as customers cut production and airlines park planes due to the coronavirus pandemic. The size of layoffs has been mentioned internally...
Coronavirus has left the UK banking sector with a tightrope to walk. The lockdown imposed to slow the spread of COVID-19 will inflict vast damage on the economy. Memories of how bankers became hate figures following the financial crisis have undoubtedly informed the sector's response. To avoid a...
A resolute European Union sought on Friday to turn the page on Brexit and move on to negotiating a looser, less favourable trading relationship with its departing British partner. Chief EU negotiator Michel Barnier will present his draft negotiating directives to the media on Monday as Brussels...
British retailers reported that their sales fell at the gentlest pace in six months in October but uncertainty about Brexit contributed to the highest stock levels on record, an industry survey showed. The Confederation of British Industry said on Monday its monthly index of reported sales rose...
US President Donald Trump will delay a planned tariff hike on $250bn (£202.8bn) of Chinese goods as a "gesture of good will". In a tweet, Mr Trump said a 5% increase to duties scheduled for 1 October will be postponed for two weeks. He said the delay had been requested by...
Burberry has announced science based targets, expanding its aim to build a more sustainable future for fashion. Building on the environmental targets already included in the company's responsibility strategy for 2022, the British luxury fashion house has set two new, ambitious climate goals approved by the Science...