The government will continue to float tenders to import liquefied natural gas (LNG) from spot market despite non-submission of 'suitable' offers from bidders over the past several months.
"We'll continue our effort to seek better LNG prices from international spot market," said a senior...
শুল্কমুক্ত পণ্য আমদানি-রপ্তানির লক্ষ্যে বহুল আলোচিত মুক্ত বাণিজ্য চুক্তির পথে বাংলাদেশের ঐতিহাসিক পদক্ষেপ শুরু হচ্ছে আজ রবিবার। দক্ষিণ এশিয়ার দেশ ভুটানের সঙ্গে অগ্রাধিকারমূলক বাণিজ্য চুক্তি (পিটিএ) করতে যাচ্ছে বাংলাদেশ। আজকের চুক্তির মধ্য দিয়ে প্রথম দ্বিপাক্ষিক এফটিএ বা পিটিএ জগতে প্রবেশ করতে যাচ্ছে বাংলাদেশ। এর আগে কোনো দেশের...
The demand for beverage products usually starts to rise in Bangladesh in March, when the temperature begins to jump to summer highs after the end of winter when demand is low. However, this year, beverage companies have been going through a severe slowdown as the Covid-19 pandemic...
The government plans to double Bangladesh's exports to Canada within the next three years by boosting the shipments of goods made by small-and-medium enterprises, particularly jute products, according to a press release.
"Bangladesh currently earns about $1 billion from exports to Canada and we...
Bhutan will sign the Preferential Trade Agreement (PTA) with Bangladesh in December to further enhance trade and commerce between the two countries, reports UNB. "All necessary works on the PTA have been completed to sign it next month," said Bhutanese ambassador to Bangladesh Rinchen Kuentsyl when he...
Norwegian Ambassador to Bangladesh Espen Rikter-Svendsen Wednesday said Norwegian businessmen are interested in investing in various sectors of Bangladesh that have potential. He said there is a huge demand for Bangladesh-made garments in Norway, and Norwegian businessmen would take steps to increase bilateral trade and investment. In...
Switzerland wants to strengthen and widen its ties with Bangladesh to explore "amazing potential" together as Bangladesh is set to celebrate its 50 years of independence next year with Vision 2041 in place, says its envoy in Dhaka. "Our relationship is very strong. My overall priority and...
Bangladesh has sought duty-free access of 42 products to Nepal under the proposed Preferential Trade Agreement (PTA). The Ministry of Commerce has recently handed over the list of products to the Government of Nepal. Nepal is expected to come up with its reply in this regard this...
There is no problem between India and Bangladesh and the two want to work together to take advantage of future opportunities created by the rapidly changing world of finance, trade and money, said Indian High Commissioner Vikram Kumar Doraiswami. "There is nothing contradictory with Bangladesh and India's...
বরেন্দ্রভূমি হিসেবে খ্যাত ও ধান-আলুর উত্পাদনের জন্য জয়পুরহাটের কালাই উপজেলার পরিচিতি প্রাচীনকাল থেকেই। তবে নতুন করে তাইওয়ানের গোল্ডেন ক্রাউন জাতের হলুদ রংয়ের তরমুজ চাষে ব্যাপক সফলতা পেয়েছেন উপজেলার বহুতিদর্গাপাড়ার বর্গা চাষি এনামুল হক। তিনি ৩৩ শতক জমি বর্গা নিয়ে বাণিজ্যিকভাবে শুরু করেন বিদেশি জাতের এই তরমুজ চাষ।...