Mobile phone operators lose 24 lakh subscribers in April

Mobile phone operators lose 24 lakh subscribers in April

Bangladesh eyes FDI boom in the post-pandemic era

Bangladesh eyes FDI boom in the post-pandemic era

Coronavirus: 125 listed companies fear heavy losses

Coronavirus: 125 listed companies fear heavy losses

Mobile operators cool down on investment plans

Mobile operators cool down on investment plans

‘Robi’s listing will be a gift for investors’

‘Robi’s listing will be a gift for investors’

BTCL on project spree to reclaim glory

BTCL on project spree to reclaim glory

Decade of Grameenphone’s rise and Banglalink’s decline

Decade of Grameenphone’s rise and Banglalink’s decline

GP clarification about news item

GP clarification about news item

Govt is set to appoint administrators to GP, Robi

Govt is set to appoint administrators to GP, Robi

BTRC’s third attempt to audit Banglalink

BTRC’s third attempt to audit Banglalink