State-owned telecom company BTCL has taken a host of projects worth Tk 22,121 crore in a bid to ready itself for the upcoming 5G technology and at the same time reclaim its lost glory. “The government is very serious about the 5G mobile services, and this is...
Grameenphone’s market share edged up about two percentage points over the past decade, thanks to huge investment in network expansion that gave the mobile operator leverage to almost double its revenue. The company has started the new decade with a 46.18 per cent share of total customers...
Mobile operator Grameenphone (GP) yesterday sent a clarification to The Independent about a news report titled "GP willing to pay Tk 2000cr to meet BTRC audit claim" printed on January 17, 2020. The news report said the newly-appointed chief executive officer (CEO) of GP met the Bangladesh Telecommuni-cation Regulatory Commission (BTRC) chairman...
The meeting was presided over by the Prime Minister’s ICT Adviser Sajeeb Ahmed Wazed The government is set to appoint administrators to Grameenphone and Robi if the two mobile operators fail to make at least partial payment of the audit claims of BTRC within the deadline.  At...
Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) yesterday called for expression of interest (EoI) to conduct financial and technical audits of Banglalink, its third attempt to do so. The audits on Banglalink, the third largest mobile carrier, would be run from its inception in 1996 until December 2019, according...
The overall service quality of mobile phone operators worsened last year compared to the previous years, the telecom regulator said yesterday, blaming the carriers’ poor performance and unwillingness to buy sufficient spectrum due to higher prices. “It is true that call drop has increased and data speed...
Bangladesh Telecommunications Company Limited’s revenue slumped 22.23 percent to Tk 886.81 crore last fiscal year, in yet another emblem of the steady decline of the once hugely profitable state-owned enterprise. In fiscal 2008-09, when it was declared a company from a state organisation, its revenue was Tk...
The telecommunication industry’s revenue will grow by 34 percent in the next five years to $5.08 billion from $3.8 billion at present, on the back of expanding user base and wide range of services, said the USAID in a new study. “The sector is quite large in size...
Leading mobile phone operator Grameen-phone reported a healthy revenue growth of Tk 70.9 billion for the first half of 2019, a 10.6 percent growth from the same period of last year on the bank of new subscribers and internet users. In the same period, the operator’s subscriber...
The government’s move to raise the mobile operators’ turnover tax to 2 percent from 0.75 percent from the new fiscal year will drive the smaller operators out of the industry, said Mahtab Uddin Ahmed, chief executive officer and managing director of Robi. In a group interview...