5G has been a source of debate during the pandemic – much of it based on misguided and misinformed comments. For a small, vocal minority, 5G has been the target of frustration and anger as a result of ongoing misunderstandings about what it actually is, how it...
edotco Bangladesh, an integrated telecommunications infrastructure services company, deployed the country's first ever street furniture in collaboration with the Dhaka North City Corporation (DNCC). The new Smart City solution is the result of a recently signed Public Private Partnership (PPP) to develop Smart City Features on a pilot...
In today's digital era, while we can certainly feel our growing reliance on telecom services, many of us are not fully aware of how indispensable they are for the sustenance of the life we are accustomed to living. The Covid-19 crisis has shown us the extent to...
In the digital age, Bangladesh's mobile telecom market is still dominated by the second generation (2G) services while scenarios in other Asia Pacific countries are quite different and are predominated by 4G services, according to a GSMA report published on Monday. The 2G technology is the mobile...
Today will be the first time a restriction will come into effect on Grameenphone since the Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) started working on Significant Market Power (SMP) guidelines nine years back to enhance competition and bring balance to the market. A mobile network operator can be...
The mobile telephone operators in the country lost 24 lakh of subscribers in April amid a worldwide economic slowdown due to the novel coronavirus pandemic.  In March, the number of total subscribers was 165.337 million, which dropped to 162.920 million at the end of...
Bangladesh expects a bigger inflow of foreign direct investment in the days to come as different nations plan to relocate their factories to countries like Bangladesh to bring down cost amid a cash crunch caused by the pandemic, said Commerce Minister Tipu Munshi yesterday. In 2019, the...
Some 125 publicly-traded companies in the manufacturing and service sectors have expressed fears of heavy losses due to the ongoing coronavirus outbreak. Among them, 116 companies are in the manufacturing sector, such as RMG, cement, ceramics, engineering, and tannery sector. The other nine are in the real estate and service sector. These companies are...
The mobile industry's combined investment fell 19 per cent year-on-year to Tk 3,695.72 crore in 2019, the lowest in recent years, as the regulatory regime continues to spook the foreign owners of the top three carriers. Mobile carriers are not investing adequately into their network, a development...
Robi plans to submit its application for listing in the country's twin bourses to the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission in the middle of next month, as the long-awaited debut of the second largest mobile phone operator is finally taking shape. The operator, which got the approval...