With Covid-19 restricting physical movement, the stock market regulator and the management of the country's two bourses are gearing up for automation of its trading platforms and settlement systems. Officials of the Bangladesh Securities and Exchanges Commission (BSEC) and the Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) confirmed this to...
Dhaka stocks inched down on Wednesday, extending the losing streak to the third session as the investors’ concerns over the worsening COVID-19 pandemic situation and the regulator-enforced floor prices kept the market muted. Amid the downward trend, share prices of more than two-thirds of...
পুঁজিবাজার নিয়ন্ত্রক সংস্থা বাংলাদেশ সিকিউরিটিজ অ্যান্ড এক্সচেঞ্জ কমিশনে (বিএসইসি) এক কমিশনারের শূন্য পদে নিয়োগ পেয়েছেন সদ্যসাবেক শিল্পসচিব মো. আবদুল হালিম। এর ফলে পাঁচ সদস্য বিশিষ্ট বিএসইসির কমিশন পূর্ণাঙ্গ রূপ পেল।  আজ মঙ্গলবার অর্থ মন্ত্রণালয়ের আর্থিক প্রতিষ্ঠান বিভাগ আবদুল হালিমকে বিএসইসির কমিশনার নিয়োগের প্রজ্ঞাপন জারি করেছে। প্রজ্ঞাপনে বলা...
Floor price was a buzzword at the Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) yesterday as it prevented many investors from selling shares even though trading resumed after a long break of more than two months. The Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (BSEC) set the floor price on March 19...
Bangladesh expects a bigger inflow of foreign direct investment in the days to come as different nations plan to relocate their factories to countries like Bangladesh to bring down cost amid a cash crunch caused by the pandemic, said Commerce Minister Tipu Munshi yesterday. In 2019, the...
Making frequent changes to the initial public offering rules by the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission have failed to stop irregularities on the primary market in the country’s capital market. The BSEC has amended the rules thrice in the last four years and issued seven notifications related...
In an undaunted move, the central bank yesterday instructed banks to not give any cash dividend to both sponsors and investors until September to boost their capacity to absorb the strain on their capital base from the ongoing economic dire straits. The move,...
Some 125 publicly-traded companies in the manufacturing and service sectors have expressed fears of heavy losses due to the ongoing coronavirus outbreak. Among them, 116 companies are in the manufacturing sector, such as RMG, cement, ceramics, engineering, and tannery sector. The other nine are in the real estate and service sector. These companies are...
The Dhaka Stock Exchange on Thursday decided in principle to resume trading on the bourse on May 10, subject to the intensity of coronavirus crisis in the country. The board decided that if the government did not extend the ongoing holidays beyond May 5,...
Negative oil prices, ships dawdling at sea with unwanted cargoes, and traders getting creative about where to stash oil. The next chapter in the oil crisis is now inevitable: great swathes of the petroleum industry are about to start shutting down. The economic impact of the coronavirus has ripped through...