The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has approved a loan package of $940 million for the government of Bangladesh to purchase safe and effective vaccines against the coronavirus disease.  The package, which comprises a regular loan and a concessional loan of $470 million each,...
নতুন বাজেটে শিল্প খাতে যেসব কর অব্যাহতি ঘোষণা করা হয়েছে, তার মধ্যে অটোমোবাইল কারখানা স্থাপনের সুবিধাটি সবচেয়ে বড়। এ খাতে বিনিয়োগ করলে উদ্যোক্তারা টানা ২০ বছর কর অব্যাহতি পাবেন। সংশ্নিষ্টরা বলছেন, গাড়িতে 'মেইড ইন বাংলাদেশ' ট্যাগ এখন সময়ের অপেক্ষামাত্র। বাজেটের সুবিধার বাইরে সরকার এ খাতের উন্নয়নে একটি...
Nathan Baird explores how marketers can use design-led methodologies to reframe problems, take creative risks and thrive in a post-pandemic market. ‘Design Thinking’ is best known for being a human-centred, creative and experimentation-driven approach to developing new products, services and experiences. However, right now, it...
“There’s no point in giving somebody a recipe if they don’t have the kitchen or the cooking skills or the ingredients.” These were the words of Tánaiste Leo Varadkar last month as he claimed that very few countries in the global south had the...
The government will procure 12.35 lakh tonnes of refined fuel oil from China and Singapore at a cost of Tk 5,778 crore. Cabinet committee on public purchase on Wednesday approved a Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation (BPC) proposal to procurement of refined oil, presided over by...
Prime Minister's ICT Adviser Sajeeb Ahmed Wazed has highlighted how Bangladesh harnessed the power of Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) to achieve its transformative socio-economic development during the last decade at the UN. Highlighting the success of the "Digital Bangladesh" vision of Prime Minister...
Bangladesh, which weathered the pandemic better than most economies in South Asia, will continue to grow strongly as exports pick up. The country’s GDP growth is projected to accelerate 6.8% in FY2021 with stimulus package implementation and recovery in global growth and world...
Moshiur Rahman Suruz, founder of Rose Model Kindergarten in Meherpur, invested Tk10 lakh in the school in 2017. The school was doing well but after the outbreak of Covid-19 in March last year, the government closed all educational institutions. He then sold a piece...
The government is developing the country's first industrial park for electrical and light engineering product manufacturers at a cost of Tk 300 crore in Munshiganj, which could herald a beginning to bring the highly scattered and unorganised industries under a single platform. Already 83...
Bangladesh is third among the most agriculturally digitalised countries in South Asia but this feat has been achieved with the help of non-digital enabling environments such as swift access to markets and adequate electricity coverage. Government initiatives for utilising information and communication technology (ICT)...