Brazil – Leather exports down in value by more than 20%


Official figures from Brazil’s ministry for external commerce show that the country’s tanners exported hides and skins with a value of US$430 million in the first four months of 2019. In terms of volume, the Brazilian leather industry shipped 15.2 million square-metres of leather (of all kinds) to customers overseas between January and April 2019. These figures represent a decline compared to the same months last year of 23.4% in terms of value, and of 2.2% in terms of volume. Finished leather accounted for 58.1% of the total value in the first four months of 2019 and for 43.2% of the total volume. The corresponding figures for wet blue were 29% of value and 50% of volume. Crust accounted for 8% of value and 6.7% of volume.

Source – APLF


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